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Client Rights

Client Rights and Responsibilities

It is the policy of The Avenue Family Network, Inc. to treat each client with dignity and respect to ensure the rights of all clients.  This policy applies to all employees, volunteers, and clients.


Every Client of The Avenue has the Right:

To be treated with dignity and respect in your home or at our facilities

To have all information that you provide kept confidential unless otherwise required by law

To receive a copy of our privacy policy and HIPAA rules

To be allowed the opportunity to review your records in the presence of the agency privacy officer

To have an understanding of the services provided and to be involved in setting your service goals

To have the option to refuse services, in whole or in part, and to discontinue at any time that you wish

To not be discriminated against on the basis of color, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, nationality, marital status, sexual preference or handicapping conditions when receiving services

To have the option of using the Client Grievance Procedure when dissatisfied with any service and receive staff assistance in doing so


Every Client of The Avenue has the Responsibility:

To provide accurate information about yourself and up-date the staff on changes in your address and phone number so we may reach you and maintain an accurate record

To follow through with service plans and arrangements as agreed

If a mutual agreement on service goals and methods cannot be reached, you or we may terminate services

To keep agreed appointment times

If unclear, call and confirm

If unable, give as much advance notice as possible

To treat other clients and staff with dignity and respect.

To refrain from bringing any weapon to The Avenue facilities or property

The Avenue is a weapon free zone

To refrain from smoking inside The Avenue facilities

The Avenue is a smoke-free agency

To pay for services received within 10 days of receiving your bill

If paying by third party, provide The Avenue with the appropriate billing information.

The Avenue

Contact us for a tour, speaking engagements, fundraising partnerships, and general inquiries!


Phone: (269) 925-1725

Registered Charity: The Avenue Family Network, Inc. is a registered 501(c)3
not-for-profit organization.


The Avenue Family Network is an

Equal Opportunity Employer




© 2021 by The Avenue Family Network, Inc.

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